
Best of 2019

Published on 15.01.2020 | Translations available in: German

Best of 2019

Positioning, diversity and the change of the media landscape through online media are the topics that were most frequently clicked on our blog in 2019 - and will stay relevant throughout the new year. Since they can bring both opportunities and challenges for companies, we had a look at these topics from a strategic perspective on our blog. We have also introduced inspiring personalities. In "aizu signals. - Signale von Menschen, die bewegen", entrepreneurs like Ray Arpagaus from Dr. Dog present their innovative ideas and tell us what keeps them going. With "aizu signals. Leader ganz persönlich", we have also introduced a format in which leading personalities such as long-time ZFV board member and CEO Regula Pfister show their personal side.

We hope you enjoy (re)discovering the stories in our Best of 2019 and wish you great success with all your projects in 2020.

1. Solidarity Among Women

In January 2019, Aileen Zumstein presented her views on diversity in companies in the newspaper Blick. When two women, Viola Amherd and Karin Keller-Sutter, were elected to the Federal Council at the same time, people loudly cheered. But why the surprise? Should it not be normal for women to be represented in leading positions and political offices? And is the reason for this under-representation really only due to men? Not entirely, says Aileen Zumstein in her commentary. She observes that it is often also women - “female enemies within our own ranks" - who prevent women's career advancement through a culture of resentment, envy and snideness. Therefore, more solidarity and a more tolerant culture are needed to promote diversity and make it a given - not only during events like the Federal Council elections or the women's strike. Link

Want to read more about diversity? In our blog post "Marketing or communicating true values?" we explain how important authenticity is, when companies politicize and position themselves with regard to issues such as equality. Link

2. Fake News: No Big Deal?

Especially since Trump's campaign during the US presidential election 2016, "fake news" has become a buzzword. False information is spreading faster, easier and more uncontrollably than ever before, especially in social networks. The presence of the topic creates the impression that fake news is everywhere - also in journalistic content. Even if confidence in traditional media currently is still relatively high in Switzerland, this can undermine the legitimacy of the media in the long term. After all, studies show that the impact of fake news - especially in the US election campaign - is far smaller than suggested by media coverage. Nevertheless, false statements and targeted manipulation through false reports are a reality. This can also affect companies. The focused use of a communication strategy that includes the issue of "fake news" can counteract the danger. Link

3. Be Your Own (Rock-)Star: Build Your Stage and Give Your Best Performance!

In a breakout session of the Forbes Women's Summit 2019 "Writing Future Codes", Aileen Zumstein presented her approach to successfully face challenges in self-positioning: Be your own rock star! Because whether someone is noticed and how they are perceived are important factors for success. Every encounter can be seen as a small performance on a stage. Self-reflection, authenticity and last but not least practice are needed to reach your goal successfully. Link

4. "aizu signals." with Ray Arpagaus

With Dr. Dog, Ray Arpagaus brought hot dog culture to Switzerland. What has now become an established catering business, began with a simple hot dog stand. True to the motto "We keep on going and go for it!", for the entrepreneur it was clear straight from the very beginning, that his endeavor would lead to something bigger. Ray explains Dr. Dog's success by two factors: passion and perseverance. He would also like to pass on these values to other entrepreneurs who want to implement their business ideas.

Video in Swiss German

More entrepreneurial spirit and innovative start-up ideas can be found on our YouTube channel: Link

5. “aizu signals.” Regula Pfister

For 17 years, Regula Pfister was CEO of the Zürcher Frauenverein (ZFV) and for 18 years, whe was President of the Board of Directors. During that time, she had a significant influence on the ZFV companies. The figures speak for themselves: In 1995, sales were still below 50 million Swiss francs and the ZFV employed around 400 people. In 2018, sales were around 300 million and around 3000 people were employed. In the interview, Regula Pfister tells us what she wants to do after her time at ZFV, reveals her personal recipe for happiness and faces our "Rapid-Fire-Questions": Radio or TV? Right or left? Summer or winter? Link

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