
aizu signals. – Alexandra Hochuli and Flurina Stöckli

Published on 27.04.2020 | Translations available in: German

aizu signals. – Alexandra Hochuli and Flurina Stöckli

In "aizu signals." the Co-CEOs of KIMI Krippen AG, Alexandra Hochuli and Flurina Stöckli, share the challenges they currently face due to the coronavirus. They also talk about the advantages and requirements of a job-sharing model in management positions, what they stand for and share positive experiences that encourage them.

The corona crisis has had a drastic impact on the systemically relevant childcare sector, although - or perhaps precisely because - daycare centres remain open. What is the biggest challenge for you in the current situation?

The biggest challenge is, on the one hand, to fulfil our duty of caring and protecting our employees, as well as children and their families. On the other hand, we are working hard to find a solution for parents who, in accordance with the recommendation of the Federal Council, have not been bringing their children to the daycare centre since 16 March 2020. Here we urgently need the support of the Confederation, the cantons and the communes so that a consistent and fair solution can be found for the entire sector.

What are the things that you currently consider especially important when communicating with your employees?

It is important to us to provide intensive support for our employees in this situation and to have their backs. They have to deal with various problems. For this purpose, we attach great importance to professional, comprehensive and fast communication.

Which positive experiences or encounters encourage you in this difficult time?

The solidarity in the whole KIMI team is simply great and makes the work in this difficult situation easier.

Which technologies or apps make your life easier right now?

Since we are currently unable to visit our locations as usual and some are working at home, we organize almost all our meetings via video conferencing.

Since last year, you have shared the management of KIMI Krippen AG. As Co-CEOs you are therefore the exception rather than the rule in the Swiss entrepreneurial sector. Do you set an example here and convince other companies of the concept?

First and foremost, we are fighting for the recognition of professions in our industry (FaBe) and gender equality. Our management model is not new, but unfortunately still very rare. We would like to show that it is worthwhile to pursue this model further and benefit from its advantages.

What are the clear advantages of co-management and where do difficulties arise?

The clear advantages are actually obvious. There are two people, two points of view, two experiences, two characters, different emphases in terms of content, but one goal must be pursued together. It is important to always coordinate, define clear responsibilities and work together as a team.

In your opinion, what is the most important prerequisite for a successful job sharing in management positions?

It is important to understand each other, to communicate openly and always find a common denominator. You also need to be able to accept the other person with their strengths and weaknesses and support each other.

What effect does co-leadership have on the team dynamics?

Since we have a clear division of tasks, wherein we each manage our respective areas operationally and manage the strategic parts together, we have received very positive feedback from the team so far.

Sleep in or get up early?

Alexandra Hochuli: Sleep in if I could. Unfortunately, that's not possible with a child. But I am basically more of a night owl.

Flurina Stöckli: Neither, I am a typical day person.

Summer or winter?

Alexandra Hochuli: Summer.

Flurina Stöckli: Summer.

Coffee or tea?

Alexandra Hochuli: Both.

Flurina Stöckli: Tea.

Zoom or Skype?

Alexandra Hochuli: Zoom.

Flurina Stöckli: Zoom.

Since November 2019 Alexandra Hochuli and Flurina Stöckli have shared the management of KIMI Krippen AG. Alexandra Hochuli, who previously worked for KIMI as Regional Manager, Head of Marketing and Member of the Management Board, now manages these areas operationally and – together with the management team – strategically as Co-CEO. Flurina Stöckli has expanded her previous position as Head of Human Resources in her role as Co-Managing Director to include the areas of Finance and IT. The KIMI Krippen network was founded in 2006 by Jürg Schumacher and his former business partner and now operates 30 daycare centres in the German speaking part of Switzerland.

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